Salesforce Admin Interview Question and Answer
- What is the difference between Profile ad permission set?
- What is the difference between profile and roles?
- Can we assign new Profile to User?
- How may type of securities we have in salesforce?
- What is FLS ?
- What does it mean by Sharing rule in Salesforce?
- What do you mean by OWD?
- There is two user A and B from same Role and i want to give read access of my record to user A but read/write to User B how can we do that?
- What is a record Type and in which scenario we should create a record Type?
- How many types of objects there in salesforce?
- What are the type of object's relationship in salesforce?
- Can we convert Lookup relationship into Master-Detail and vice versa, if yes then how?
- When should be use Lookup relationship and when Master-Detail relationship?
- What is Junction object?
- if we have junction object then who will be the owner of junction object?
- What does it mean by OWD?
- What are the type of process automation in salesforce? And which one is most useful at this point of time?
- When can we use flow instead of trigger?
- How many type of flow are there and when should we use what?
- If two user is having same profile and we have given read write access on profile level but i want user A should be able to edit and user B should not , how can we do that?
- Can we send Email through salesforce flow?
- Can we create picklist variable to store object picklist values and after that we can able to assign as per our requirement, if yes then how?
- What is Data Skew in salesforce?
- What is Validation rule.
- Can we do callout from flow?
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